Home » Get your cat ready for winter and the holidays. Here is all you need!

Get your cat ready for winter and the holidays. Here is all you need!

GA_Comments_circle. blueI am aware that your cat is still lying on the cold ceramic tile, balls in the air (at least the area where the balls were) ’cause it’s too freaking hot. But cold will start creeping into our calendar very soon changing your feline routine from napping on your precious granite countertop to sleeping under warm covers. And it’s not just chilly weather; the holidays are approaching bringing all kinds of delicious temptations, screaming kids, tons of boxes and awesome “crashing into tree” situations.

Is your cat ready for all this?

Gato Avocado is. And I’ve compiled lots of useful information to keep your kitty safe this winter season wrapped in my first ever eBook! And in the spirit of the soon to be here holiday season, I am gifting it to you (as in FREE).

Amaze your relatives at the dinner table with your poignant feline knowledge.

Click on the pic. Sign. Download.

Prepare your cat for winter. Cover. HiRes

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