I know, adorable… But my story was a happy one. Had a loving family and a normal kittenhood. Others are not so lucky. Kitten Season may sound like the perfect scenario, but there are lives at stake here. Adopt and please spay or neuter your new feline companion. Lo sé, […]
Artsy Gato
Being two dimensional has its advantages. Gato Avocado roams thru different environments, becoming even for a brief moment, part of the scenery. / Tener dos dimensiones tiene sus ventajas. Gato Avocado se pasea por ambientes variados para convertirse, aunque sea por un momento, en parte de la escena.
Spread the message. Foster a cat. Save a life.
Above all a cat has to feel clean
Pop goes the nose!
I couldn’t possibly be the only one without a Warhol inspired artwork. Besides, it’s the week of LOVE and it has to be bright! No podía ser el único sin tener arte inspirado en Warhol. Además es la semana del AMOR y tiene que brillar!
Dream Study #34
Rockin’ out Chagall style. Rockeando estilo Chagall.