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Cats like Water… wait, whaaaaat?

The idea that felines are not water friendly is another one of those mistaken myths like “Black Cats mean Bad Luck” and “Cats are Domesticated”. It is simply not true. The origin of why we don’t march joyfully into the tub every time you humans decide is “bath time for […]

Dr. Avocado

Flea you fools!

It happens as soon as the weather warms up: flea invasion. The animal kingdom scratches in desperation as these creatures take over their bodies. Being made of paper I don’t suffer any of the symptoms and actually have made friends with a few of the parasites, so much so that […]

Dr. Avocado

Are cats social animals?

This week we will answer a few common questions regarding one of the most common feline misconceptions: cats are loners and prefer to live on their own. Who came up with this idea? Dog-loving people? Sure, dogs live by a hierarchy code where they follow the alpha male everywhere while […]

Gato Comments

Peeing outside the box

“My cat is peeing outside the litterbox” is a common concern amongst feline guardians – usually new ones. Sometimes it’s a sign of a medical issue, but the majority of the cases are completely human created. They want a cat but hate the idea of a litterbox in the home, disguising them in ways that are […]