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Tag: catnip

Artsy Gato

A magical night

It’s a long night. Hope we packed enough catnip. Enjoy your Three Gatos Night everybody! La noche es larga. Espero haber empacado suficiente catnip. ¡Disfruten de la Noche de los Tres Gatos!

Gato was here

Trick or treat? BOTH!

Sweating in the winning outfit and dragging a plastic pumpkin. Embarrassment should be compensated. Turkey treats, tuna, toys and catnip will do. Sudando en el disfraz ganador mientras arrastro una calabaza de plástico. Esta vergüenza debe ser recompensada. Espero recolectar bocaditos de pavo, atún, juguetes y catnip. 

Artsy Gato

As if we needed one more holiday

But today is National Cat Day!! Yes, a whole day to celebrate US felines: our cunning hunting skills, our soft don’t-ever-touch-them paws, big expressive eyes, long skin-piercing nails, beautiful melodic meows… the list goes on and on… Now PASS THE CATNIP! Hoy celebramos el ¡Día Nacional del Gato! Un día […]